Training courses are targeted and structured learning experiences designed to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to advance your personal and professional goals.

Embark on a transformative journey of discovery and growth with structured training courses. These immersive experiences provide a systematic path to unlocking your potential, offering curated content and expert guidance. Whether you’re a professional seeking to advance or a curious learner, these courses offer a supportive community, insights from experts, and opportunities to apply learned knowledge. Embrace the chance to challenge yourself, explore uncharted territories, and become the architect of your own success story through structured training courses.


    “If an egg breaks from the outside, life ends. If it breaks from the inside, life begins.” The fundamental basis of learning starts from learning and growing oneself.


    Build on a foundation of self-awareness to develop essential skills to influence and create an impact wherever you are.


    Catalyse change by empowering others to embrace transformation with confidence. Shape the future with purpose, ensuring every step forward is a step towards growth.



蜕变国际首席教练 Sophia Tan 陈鸾卿

蜕变国际创办人兼首席教练:陈鸾卿 Sophia Tan 拥有多过 30 年的心理咨询与辅导经验 社会科学辅导系硕士学位(南澳大学) 培训和评估高级证书(新加坡劳动力发展局) 蓝海战略顾问(伦敦蓝海战略行动中心) 职场心理健康咨询师(新加坡健康促进委员会) 成人教育协会会员(新加坡成人学习学院) 培训与发展协会会员(新加坡培训与发展协会)

Leadership Coach 领导力教练 Louis Chin 陈志光

Educational Background 学业背景 - MSc - Industrial & Organisational Psychology 职场心理学硕士 - MSc - Management of Human Resources 人力资源管理硕士 - BBA (Hons) Management, Marketing & Technopreneurship 企业管理荣誉学士专研管理学、市场营销、与科技创业 Professional Certificates 专业认证 - Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA) 新加坡培训与评估高级认证 - Blue Ocean Strategy Qualifying Practitioner 蓝海战略中心咨询师 - Morphos Master Coach 蜕变人生教练督导资深导师

7 Reasons Why Clients Choose Morphos Academy

  • Experienced Coaches: Our courses are designed and delivered by experienced coaches, who provide a comprehensive and well-rounded understanding of the subject matter.

  • Personal Interaction: Our courses facilitate personal interaction access with coaches who can offer insights, answer questions and provide valuable feedback.

  • Community: Our courses are designed to facilitate relationship-building among course mates through the sharing of experiences and learning from one another.

  • Experiential: Our courses are designed to be experiential, which may include hands-on activities, group discussions, role plays, and other practical exercises.

  • Applied Knowledge: Our courses are designed not only for the transfer of knowledge, but with a greater emphasis on application, to gain the skills and attributes required for growth.

  • Customisable for Enterprises: Our courses can be customised to suit the learning needs of various organisations.

  • Structured yet Flexible: Our courses are structured to achieve clear learning objectives and outcomes, yet also allow for flexibility to address different learning needs to ensure that the learning experience remains engaging for the learners.

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